Wednesday, January 16, 2013

JKT48~ Tenshi no Shippo Lyric

Kuingin hembuskan
Gelisah di dada
Dengan Nafasku...
Balon yang bulat
Dari Tanganku...

Semakin tinggi rahasia
Terbang dilangit biru
Ditiup.. Angin...
Entah kemanaa...

Reff 1 :
Cinta.. bagaikan ekor malaikat yang nakal
Kabur dengan lembut tak tau kemana
Matahari yang, kudambakan, terlalu silau
Karnanya aku berpura-" tidak suka
Dan akupun menjadi bersikap dingin
Aku memandang, dari kejauhan
Cinta tak berbalas, hanya milikku...

Jika kausadar
Akan pandanganku
Pada dirimuu...
Jantungku pun ber..
Degup kencang
Akan meledak

Mengapa perasaanku..
Jadi berat begini
Kuingin... bertanya...
Pada awan putihh..

Reff 2 :
Cinta.. bagaikan ekor malaikat yang plin plan
Gerak kesana sini susah kutangkap
Tak akan bisa, atasi pada pengalaman pertama
Suatu hari ada angin akan berubah
Hingga kebetulan kau lewat kesini
Ku kan menunggu, ditempat ini
Hingga keajaiban, munculnya pelangi..

Back to Reff 1

Thursday, May 3, 2012

"Little Devil After School Lesson" #Part 3


~"Bagaimana sebaiknya ngobrol dengan cowok ?", "Nggak ada kesempatan untuk ngobrol", banyak yang berkata seperty itu padaku. Kali ini akan kuceritakan "Seni berbicara untuk menarik cowok"

A. Cowok juga sebenarnya ingin ngobrol dengan cewek. Kalau diajak ngobrol pasti dy akan senang dan ber debar-" ! Tetapi di depan teman-"nya dia malah jadi kasar. Bertingkah seolah berkata "Eh,aku gak tertarik sama cewek kok" Mereka emang gak lembut sih.

B. Maka dari itu, terhadap mereka yang seperty ini, jangan hanya diam menunggu. Kitalah yang harus memberi kesempatan ngobrol.

C. Dia akan berpikir dia yang ngajak ngobrol aku. Jady aku menjawabnya, sehingga obrolan akan lebih mudah mengalir.

~Coba ajak ngobrol dengan cara ini deh :
I. Ajaklah ngobrol dari topik urusan kelas, pelajaran, atau kegiatan ekskul. Contoh : Eh, aku harus bawa ini ke kelas. BErat deh. Tolong bantu, dong.
II. Ajaklah ngobrol dari hal yang gak tau, atau dari sesuatu yang gak biasa dimilikinya. Contoh : Eh eh, itu namanya game apa sih ? Lagy populer di kalangan cowok ya ? Aku juga ingin main deh !
III. Tanya kan kesannya saat kamu pakai baju baru / mengubah gaya rambut yang feminin. Contoh : Eh eh gaya rambutku ini menurut mu bagaimana ?

Point Lesson 3 :
Saat bicara dengan cowok, jangan malu dan kaku,juga jangan grogi sehingga berbicara sangat cepat ! Tarik nafas yang dalam, tenangkan hati, ajak ngobtol dengan wajah yang ramah, ya ! Cinta itu bisa tumbuh dari percakapan !

"Little Devil After School Lesson" #Part 2

"Tindakan Besar yang mengubah penampilan jadi little devil yang menarik"

~Cara menarik cowok, fashion, gaya rambut, bentuk tubuh, dan sebagainya. Disini akan diajarkan trik mengubah penampilan menjadi little devil yang manis ! ^^

1. Setiap hari mandi lebih dari 30 menit
~Cewek little devil itu sangat suka menjaga kebersihan diri sendiri ! Menggosok badan dan memeriksa tubuh ! Shampoo dengan harum yang disukai / perlengkapan mandi, membuat waktu mandi menjadi lebih menyenangkan.Lalu mungkin kamu akan membuat cowok yang berpapasan dengan mu berdebar-".

2. Setiap hari memasukan kesan cewek yang berkilau dan lembut
~Bisa juga memakai rok pendek yang lembut, memoles bibirnya dengan lip gloss bukan ? Bawalah selalu dan melekat di dirimu sesuatu yang manis, berkilau lembut, bisa accessories rambut / pernak pernik, alat tulis. Hanya dengan itu saja kamu terlihat manis sebagai cewek.

3. Dilarang diet tanpa makan ! Jaga baik-" bentuk pergelangan tangan dan pinggul
~Cowok tampaknya lebih suka cewek yang sehat dan segar.Meski sedikit gemuk dan berpipi tembem. Dari pada cewek yang sangat kurus, pacat dan tak ramah. Diet juga adalah dengan keseimbangan makanan dan menghindari kue-" yang berlebih, lalu berjalan kaki dan setiap hari berolahraga. Tubuh pasti jadi indah.

4. Jangan malu dan menyembunyikannya, jadikan bagian tubuh yang indah sebagai daya tarik mu !
~Tangan dan kaki yang indah, rambut yang bersinar, berkulit cerah. Setiap cewek mempunyai bagian tubuh yang indah ! Lihatlah diri sendiri di cermin dengan cermat, lalu tanyakan pada teman / mama mu. Pertama periksa bagian apa yang indah dari diri ku ? Lalu buat;ah iyu sebagai daya tarik mu.

Point Lesson 2 :
Per tama-". Ubahlah diri mu jadi pribadi yang menarik dari sisi penampilan ya

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

"Little Devil After School Lesson"

Sekarang gw bakalan ngepost in bwt cewek-" yang pengen jady popular ya.. dr yang culun, pendiam sekalipun. Ikutin terus ya "Little Devil After School Lesson" ku ini yang diambil dr kutipan komik yang kubeli, berjudul "Love Trick" selamat mencoba ya xD
Pertama-" kita belajar dari Bab awal ya ! ^o^

I. "Little Devil itu cewek seperti apa sih ?"
~Little Devil itu : Cewek yang memesona, agak keras kepala, bandel, manis, dan saat berada di kelas/ sekolah bisa membuat cowok suka pada nya dan merasa ber debar-".
Cewek yang tekun bisa menguasai teknik little devil yang mengagumkan. Semua cewek, siapapun dia, dengan sedikit ketangkasan dan belajar akan bisa menjadi little devil dengan gaya diri mu sendiri ! Dengan begitu, cowok-" di kelas dan orang yang kamu taksir (pak guru juga). Pasty akan baik pada mu dan kamu bisa buat dy memperhatikan mu.

Point Lesson 1 :
Di sekolah dan di dunia ini hanya ada laki-" dan perempuan, karena itu lebih baik tampil menarik dan berteman baik. Pasty hari-" kady menyenangkan

Nah, cukup ini dulu ya... slalu waiting info selanjutnya.. ^o^

Saturday, April 28, 2012


noitaminA's title screen, which appears at the beginning of every show (Fuji TV only).
noitaminA (ノイタミナ) – "Animation" written backwards – is a Fuji Television programming block, devoted to anime, originally broadcast each Thursday night from 24:45 to 25:15 (or 00:45 to 1:15 Friday morning). It was launched with the intention of expanding the target audience beyond the typical young male demographic.[1] The timeslot was expanded from half an hour to a full hour in 2010, and now airs Thursday nights from 24:45 to 25:45 (or 00:45 to 1:45 Friday morning). noitaminA aired its first non-anime series in 2010, with the premiere of the live-action adaptation of Moyashimon.[3] On April 15, 2010, Fuji TV and FUNimation announced an agreement that allows FUNimation to simulcast series from the noitaminA block in North America within an hour of their airing in Japan


# Title Time Slot[n 1] Start date End date Ep. Studio
1 Honey and Clover April 14, 2005 September 26, 2005 24 J.C.Staff
2 Paradise Kiss October 13, 2005 December 30, 2005 12 Madhouse
3 Ayakashi January 13, 2006 March 24, 2006 11 Toei Animation
4 Jyu Oh Sei April 13, 2006 June 22, 2006 11 Bones
5 Honey and Clover II June 29, 2006 September 14, 2006 12 J.C.Staff
6 Hataraki Man October 12, 2006 December 21, 2006 11 Gallop
7 Nodame Cantabile January 11, 2007 June 28, 2007 23 J.C.Staff
8 Mononoke July 12, 2007 September 9, 2007 12 Toei Animation
9 Moyashimon October 11, 2007 December 21, 2007 11 Shirogumi and Telecom Animation Film
10 Hakaba Kitaro January 10, 2008 March 21, 2008 11 Toei Animation
11 Toshokan Sensō April 12, 2008 June 26, 2008 12 Production I.G
12 Antique Bakery July 3, 2008 September 18, 2008 12 Nippon Animation and Shirogumi
13 Nodame Cantabile: Paris Chapter October 9, 2008 December 18, 2008 11 J.C.Staff
14 Genji Monogatari Sennenki January 15, 2009 March 26, 2009 11 TMS Entertainment and Tezuka Productions
15 Eden of the East April 9, 2009 June 18, 2009 11 Production I.G
16 Tokyo Magnitude 8.0 July 9, 2009 September 17, 2009 11 Bones and Kinema Citrus
17 Kūchū Buranko October 15, 2009 December 24, 2009 11 Toei Animation
18 Nodame Cantabile: Finale January 14, 2010 March 25, 2010 11 J.C.Staff
19 House of Five Leaves 24:45 April 15, 2010[2][5] July 1, 2010 12 Manglobe
20 The Tatami Galaxy 25:15 April 22, 2010[2][6] July 1, 2010 11 Madhouse
21 Moyashimon (live-action) 24:45 July 8, 2010[2][3] September 16, 2010 11 Shirogumi
22 Shiki 25:15 July 8, 2010[2][7][8] December 30, 2010 22 Daume
23 Princess Jellyfish 24:45 October 14, 2010[2][9] December 30, 2010 11 Brain's Base
24 Fractale 24:45 January 14, 2011[10] March 31, 2011 11 A-1 Pictures and Ordet
25 Wandering Son 25:15 January 14, 2011[11] March 31, 2011 11 AIC
26 [C] 24:45 April 14, 2011[12][13] June 23, 2011 11 Tatsunoko
27 Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae o Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai 25:15 April 14, 2011[13][14] June 23, 2011 11 A-1 Pictures
28 Bunny Drop 24:45 July 7, 2011[15][16] September 16, 2011 11 Production I.G
29 No. 6 25:15 July 7, 2011[15][16] September 16, 2011 11 Bones[17]
30 Un-Go 24:45 October 13, 2011[18] December 23, 2011 11 Bones
31 Guilty Crown 25:15 October 13, 2011[19] March 23, 2012 22 Production I.G
32 Thermae Romae 24:45 January 12, 2012[20] January 26, 2012 3 DLE
33 Black Rock Shooter 24:45 February 2, 2012[21] March 22, 2012 8 Ordet and Sanzigen
34 Kids on the Slope 24:45 April 12, 2012[22] TBA 11 MAPPA and Tezuka Productions
35 Tsuritama[23] 25:15 April 12, 2012[24] TBA 11 A-1 Pictures
Scheduled title(s)
36 Moyashimon Returns TBA July 2012[25] TBA TBA Shirogumi and Telecom Animation Film
37 Natsuyuki Rendezvous[26] TBA July 2012 TBA TBA Dogakobo
38 Robotics;Notes[27] TBA October 2012 TBA TBA Production I.G
39 Psycho-pass[28] TBA October 2012 TBA TBA TBA


  1. ^ All series before the change to an hour time-slot started at 24:45. Starting with The House of Five Leaves and The Tatami Galaxy, one show started at 24:45 and the second at 25:15. If there is a dash (—) and not a time, the show was part of the half-hour block and started at 24:45.

TV stations

Region TV station Aired
(as of January 2012)
First air month Others Number of works aired
Kanto Fuji TV Yes April 2005
(Honey and Clover)
Producing station all (33)
Kansai Kansai TV| Named "Anime Work!" from April 2010 till September 2011
not named for "Moyashimon" live-action version
Chukyo Tokai TV|
Hokkaido Hokkaido Cultural Broadcasting Yes (One timeslot) February 2007
(Nodame Cantabile)

Akita Akita TV Yes March 2007
(Nodame Cantabile)

Iwate Iwate Menkoi TV Yes April 2007
(Nodame Cantabile)

Miyagi Sendai TV Yes April 2007
(Nodame Cantabile)
Named "Noitamina" from October 2010 9
Yamagata Sakuranbo TV Yes August 2008
(Nodame Cantabile: Paris Chapter)

Fukushima Fukushima TV Yes April 2007
(Nodame Cantabile)

Niigata Niigata Sogo TV Yes February 2006
(Honey and Clover)
No broadcasting from October 2009 to September 2011 18
Nagano Nagano Broadcasgting No No anime works have been broadcast.
Shizuoka TV Shizuoka Yes April 2007
(Nodame Cantabile)

Toyama Toyama TV No No anime works have been broadcast.
Ishikawa Ishikawa TV No February 2007
(Nodame Cantabile)

Fukui Fukui TV No April 2007
(Nodame Cantabile)

Okayama, Kagawa Okayama Broadcasting No March 2006
(Paradice Kiss)

Hiroshima TV Shinhiroshima Yes January 2007
(Nodame Cantabile)

Tottori, Shimane San-in Chuo TV No April 2007
(Nodame Cantabile)

Kochi Kochi Sun Sun Broadcasting No July 2006

Ehime Ehime Broadcasting Co. Yes March 2007
(Nodame Cantabile)

Fukuoka TV Nishinippon No July 2006
(Honey and Clover)
Sponsored till September 2009 13
Saga Saga TV Yes March 2007
(Nodame Cantabile)

Nagasaki TV Nagasaki No October 2007
(Nodame Cantabile)

Oita TV Oita No No anime works have been broadcast.
Kumamoto TV Kumamoto Yes October 2007
(Nodame Cantabile)

Miyazaki TV Miyazaki No No anime works have been broadcast.
Kagoshima Kagoshima TV Yes April 2007
(Nodame Cantabile)

Okinawa Okinawa TV No No anime works have been broadcast.
Aomori Aomori TV No April 2007
(Nodame Cantabile)
JNN station 1
Nationalcast BS Fuji Yes November 2009
(Kūchū Buranko)
satellite broadcasting all from "Kuchu Buranko" 

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Barajou no Kiss (Kiss of Rose Princess)

Kiss of Rose Princess (薔薇嬢のキス Bara jō no Kisu?) is a manga series created by Aya Shouoto. The manga was published by Kadokawa Shoten and serialized in Monthly Asuka magazine on June 24, 2008.


Most girls are crazy about jewelry, but not Anise Yamamoto. Not since her father gave her a rose choker as a child, claiming it was a protective amulet which would safeguard her from harm; however, if she ever took it off (a feat easier said than done!), she would be afflicted by a “punishment” of some sort. Not like it matters to her though, since the attention it attracts around school from faculty and students alike isn’t something she’s particularly fond of.
But after a certain incident causes the choker to disappear, she realizes that this punishment her father spoke of might have been a bit more than she bargained for!


Anis Yamamoto (八麻本アニス?)
Voiced by Aya Hirano (Drama CD)
A cheerful character who always wore a rose choker which her father gave her. He told her that if she ever took it off, she would be punished. Anis was unable to take it off until it disappeared after Ninufa, a bat-like-creature, bowled her over. After Ninufa scurried away, Anis found that she was holding a Red card. She ignores the fact and runs after Ninufa to get her choker back when a monster attacks. Itsushi-sensei, the librarian, tells her that she must kiss the card she was holding. When she does so, Kaede appears out of the card calling her "master". Anis becomes the Dominion, able to summon any of the four rose knights. However, whenever the knights use their power, they drain the life force from her blood. This causes Anise to believe that becoming the Dominion is her punishment for losing her choker. Although the choker she was wearing only brought Anis in the center of attention, for fear of her father's punishment she begins searching for it with the help of her Rose Knights. Apparently one of her special powers as a Dominion as that she is able to call forth a black whip-like rope filled with thorns to used to beat them into submission, or to collar them (much to the delight of the black and white roses).
Kaede Higa (緋賀楓?)
Voiced by Yuichi Nakamura (Drama CD)
Kaede is the Knight of the Red Rose. At first, he didn't seem to like Anise as he had a grudge against her beating him in the sports festival. He lives in a temple where he has been training since he was a child. Soon he shows that, in reality, he cares deeply for Anise, telling her "whether or not you were the Dominion, I would still..." (implying that he would still protect her). Kaede was also a childhood friend of Seiran and was the most angered as he learned the Blue Rose's destiny as a sacrifice to the seal. He is also called as "mutt" or "dog" by the White and Black Rose. As the series progresses, Kaede shows that he is easily jealous and angered when one of the other knights gets too close to Anise - even Seiran. He is also the only one being called against his will by Anise and also the only one who says foolish words as comfort to her. Kaede also has a bad relationship with the Yellow Rose because of what happened two hundred years ago when the Red Rose became the "True Rose" of the Dominion, which earned the Yellow Rose's jealousy.
Mutsuki Kurama (蔵間無月?)
Voiced by Kenjirou Tsuda (Drama CD)
Mutsuki is the Black Rose and has a very dark aura around him. He hardly talks to anyone and is reluctant to accept Anise as his master, referring to her as a wench, and a Missy. He likes the darkness and says that he is not a human, but a "dark stalker", which has the power to commune with nature and live longer than humans. Other abilities besides flying are unknown. He has "search and seizure" specialties; strings that are controlled by him appear from his fingers and he has an acute sense of smell and perception. He says that he spent many years in solitary slumber, waiting for his master to arrive/resurrect. According to rumors, he puts curses on people and is the head of delinquents. It is implied that he is a masochist when he seems satisfied when Anise smacks him around, and seems jealous of the White Rose when he gets collared by the rose whip. Mutsuki also shows to possibly have feelings for Anise. In chapter 11, he uses his string to keep the Red Rose away from Anise. Despite his brooding demeanor, he also reveals to have forgotten his past and is thereby the last of his race. It is also said that he is "owned" by the White Rose's family. He specializes in investigation and has a mass knowledge of dark magic, due to his unknown past. He has an older brother, Yocteau, who is the Grey Rose - one the "Fake Knights". Mutsuki killed him when his brother lost his sanity when the Devil's seal broke. Mutsuki fights his enemies through his dark strings which are invisible to the naked eye.
Mitsuru Tenjou (天上光琉?)
Voiced by Hiroshi Kamiya (Drama CD)
Tenjou is very handsome and embarrassingly devoted to his duties as a Rhode knight as the white rose, and to Anise - which embarrasses her - which makes her the envy of all the other girls in school. He seems deeply popular among men as well - much to Anise' mortification. His special skill lies in healing. It is heavily implied that he's very much a masochist, even going as far as to provoke Anise into slapping him and turning her thorn whip into a collar to drag him to do her bidding. ("I couldn't ask for a better Master, really... Beating me on top of tying a collar around my neck... OH Lady Anise, truly is amazing.") Mitsuru also likes Anise a lot. He even said to Kaede "One day Anise will be mine". Even though he said he was only joking, the serious look in his eyes makes Kaede feel worried.
Seiran Asagi (浅木晴嵐?)
Voiced by Jun Fukuyama (Drama CD)
Seiran is the Knight of the Blue Rose and is not often at school because he is mostly sick. When he is sick, Seiran stays by himself inside the greenhouse filled with roses. Ironically, his illness may be an allergic reaction to roses, as he appears fine when he isn't around them. He specializes in "Alchemy" or "science". He is also very cute, cute enough to be a girl. He is the sacrificial rose that was made in the past to help seal the Devil's Seal. His memories and Kaede's memories about him are not real, so he plans to use his body to restore the seal. In chapter 11, he is saved from the seal. His rose is not found in nature, because they replace the Yellow Rose with the Blue Rose. But even so he cares a lot about Anise. Once he asks her if she would accept his love and when she does not get what he says, he changes the subject about the love potion thinking it might be too soon.
Narumi Itsushi
Voiced by Takahiro Mizushima (Drama CD)
Itsushi Narumi is the Classics teacher in Anise's school, located at a basement library. He was the one who explained to Anise everything about being the Rose Princess. His pet is Ninufa. Often seen talking or scolding Ninufa only, Itsushi does not look like a mage, more of a school librarian. He seems to be scared easily, not daring to go against his former teacher. His outfit is made up of a cloak, shirt, tie and office pants and a pair of spectacles. It has been noted that Itsushi keeps his bed hair. He is also Schwartz's ex-apprentice.
Voiced by Nobuhiko Okamoto (Drama CD)
Ninufa is the pet of Itsushi and the guardians of the Rose Cards. He was responsible for knocking off Anise's choker, resulting in him finding out that she was the missing Rose Princess. Ninufa has an appearance of a bat and tends to talk in a slang style with the words "da" used regularly. Among the four current Rose Knights, he is personally closer to Seiran.
~He can turn into a dragon. ~He is usually seen eating at least once in a chapter.
Schwartz Yamamoto
Voiced by Ken Narita (Drama CD)
Schwartz Yamamoto is Anise Yamamoto's foster father and a famed sorcerer. Later revealed to be the Silver rose. His main goal in the storyline is to break the Devil's Seal. He is the main antagonist of Barajou No Kiss. Schwartz has golden hair. He wears spectacles and often seen wearing Western-looking clothes such as a vest, coat. As he took up a job as a school nurse, once or twice Schwartz has been seen wearing a doctor outfit.
When Schwartz was younger, his hair was shorter. Schwartz is very cunning man. He will manipulate people around him just to achieve his goal. At the same time, he is also very overprotective about Anise, even though they are enemies. Schwartz was introduced as a father who gave Anise a rose collar and a stern warning to never ever remove it. But he is not Anise's biological father.
- Schwartz now works as a school nurse in Anise's school.
  - He seems to be afraid of his sister, Cecilia.
  - Itsushi Narumi used to be Schwartz's apprentice.
  - He is the Silver Rose. 
Haruto Kisugi
Voiced by Mamoru Miyano (Drama CD) Haruto Kisugi is the Yellow Rose Rhode Knight. Although he is a real knight, he has been cast out from the Rose Rhode Knights because of his disappearance during the "Yellow Rose Incident". He was Anise's elementary schoolmate and they were very close before they went to separate high schools. He transferred to Shoubi Academy as part of Schwartz's plan to double confirm Anise's missing choker and at the same time, take revenge on the White, Black, Blue (who took over his place) and especially the Red (who was the previous generation True Rose) Rose Rhode Knight. Haruto has yellow hair, matching his respective rose color, and green eyes. He usually wears a dress shirt and sweater vest. He is also seen with a earring on his left ear. Haruto is a bit of a sadist due to his past self. He only opens up to Anise as she is the Rose Princess. To the other knights, he is cold (especially to the current Red Rose Rhode Knight, Kaede) due to a spat they had in the past. Haruto was first introduced as a transferred classmate. Recognizing his name, Anise immediately clarified with him whether he remembered her. It turns out that truly, Haruto was her middle schoolmate who transferred out. Delighted, Haruto asks Anise out jokingly, claiming that they were 'intimate' with each other last time. Anise, of course, pushes him away and hit his head.
Afterwards, Haruto asks Anise out to a F-1 race event during the weekend. However, Anise had plans with her Knights so she declined. Haruto became stubborn and insisted in she going with him instead of them. So, they decided to have a race, with Kaede competing with him for a race around the school.
Haruto, filled with guilt, decides to go into the devil's seal instead, hoping it would redeem himself. He confesses to Anise that he still loves her dearly and hopes to see her 'soon'.
He was mentioned briefly by Schwartz that he is save in Hong Kong. Haruto even wrote a postcard to Anise from Hong Kong to prove to her that he is alive. Haruto came back from Hong Kong, surprising Anise. He bluntly tells Anise that he was sent to capture and kill Anise. He smirks and just as he was about to capture Anise, Seiran managed to use his potions to stop Haruto's action He seemed to be pleased to be how well the Blue Rose is doing his job in his place. ~He is currently in Hong Kong due to Schwartz saving him from the Devil's Seal at the eleventh hour and teleporting him there.
Suzumura Idel 
Idel Suzumura is a pop idol of the group Rhodecia, together with Yakoh Hasuzaki. Their group is popular among high school girls, with their songs topping popularity contests. He was enrolled to Anise's school to help Schwartz check for her choker. He becomes temporary a Rose Rhode Knight in order to save Yakoh Hasuzaki. He also uses ten times more blood of Anise than the other Rose Rhode Knights. Idel has messy Vermillion-colored hair and golden eyes. Idel is the opposite of Yakoh. He is extremely chatty and isn't afraid on voicing out his opinions. Idel appears shadowed as the person who attacked Kaede at the 100m sprint race. He almost got caught by Kaede but managed to fend himself off and escaping before Mutsuki could locate him too.
Idel becomes a full-fledged but temporary Rose Rhode Knight when Anise gets moved by his story. He gets a shock, so does everyone, but Anise compliments him, saying that he is worth of this title. As such, an Orange Rose Card was created for Anise to call him out and when she did, he appeared in his current clothes with an Orange Rose pinned on his clothes. ~His hobby is games. ~He dislikes shitake mushrooms.
Hasuzaki Yakoh 
Yakoh Hasuzaki is a pop idol of the group Rhodecia, together with Idel Suzumura. Their group is popular among high school girls, with their songs topping popularity contests. He was enrolled to Anise's school with Idel. Matching to his Lime Rose, Yakoh has lime green hair. He generally wears a tired or gentle expression. He is usually seen wearing his Rhodecia outfit. Yakoh is Idel's antithesis. Despite being a pop idol, he is very calm and reserved in any situation. In the story, Yakoh thanks Idel suddenly for everything and collapses. He was rushed to the hospital. Schwartz heals him and Yakoh takes a temporary residence at Schwartz's apartment to heal.
~His hobby is (giving) massages. ~He dislikes green juice (Idel's specialty).
Mutsuki's older brother despite physically looking like a young child. The reason for this is because he was resurrected from just an eyeball. He possess the power to summon strong demons, but they turn to dust because strain on Yocteau's body is too much. Since his resurrection Yocteau is emotionally unstable and obsessed with his younger brother. In chapter 29 Yocteau crashes a ball for student councils (that Mutsuki, Anise, Kaede, and Seiran were also attending) and causes a blackout which allows Mutsuki a chance to be alone with Anise. After Mutsuki is rejected by Anise Yocteau offers Mutsuki a collar that will free him from "the thorns of her (Anise's) commands."
The reason why Mutsuki killed Yocteau is later revealed in the ff. chapters, where Mutsuki grew attached to Anise.
Mikage Hiiragi 
better known as Cinderella, Ella and Domina Galacta, is the Artificial equivalent of Anise, complete with four Rose Cards, contracting her to four artificial Rose Rhode Knights. In class, Mikage is known to be a quiet and lonely girl, who seems to have an obsession of Kaede. As Domina, she still has her obsession of Kaede, but she is charismatic. Mikage has blue eyes and purple hair. Her hair is tied into to ponytails or braided when she comes to school. Mikage likes to mutter the phrase, " I want him, I want him." which is referring to Kaede, whom she has an obsession with him to the point on thinking of kidnapping him from Anise. She seems to lack leadership skill as she is often bullied by her knights. As Anise was late for class, she was left with no one to partner with except for Kaede.
However, her classmates suggested to partner Mikage and Kaede as she was was always alone. So, Anise sabotaged Kaede to become the art muse while Mikage and she drew out Kaede asleep. While Anise ran off in finding Mutsuki. Mikage talks to the sleeping Kaede, saying her words "I want him I want him so badly." and seemingly leans down to kiss Kaede. When Anise returns to where they were situated, Mikage asks Anise to do a favor for her: get Kaede to go on a date with her.
At her date with Kaede, she acts as a normal girl, being thrilled on having the chance to go out with the boy of her dreams. Finally, at the ferry wheel ride does she start to give away her true motive.
When the Arcana Cards starts to activate, Mikage pretends to be one of the helpless bystanders and cling onto Kaede's arm to ensure that he does not try to escape from her reach and protect Anise. She screams, claiming that she was afraid on what was happening. Bought in by Mikage's act and being a gentleman, Kaede decides to stay put.
Anise's Mother 
Anise's Mother only appears in the flashbacks of Schwartz. It is not known if she is still alive or not. Her name has not been revealed. She looks exactly like Anise, only looking more mature and grown up with a slightly longer and less bouncy hair. She is shown wearing dresses only. It was not said how she meant Schwartz but the two were very in love. She would often run away from the castle she stays at to be with Schwartz. Once, she made her entrance by jumping off a tree and landing on Schwartz. She tells Schwartz that she hates her family because many tried her like a prize because her child, whoever the father is, would become the Rose Dominion Princess, be it a male or female. One day, while the two of them were together, she was forcefully taken away by her family from Schwartz and not seen for a long time. While she was being taken away, she screamed out for Schwartz.
Years later, she reappears at the doorsteps of Schwartz's house, carrying a baby. It turns out that the baby is her daughter and she begged him to take care of her daughter. She also begged Schwartz not to let her daughter know of her true status. After giving her daughter to Schwartz, Anise's Mother was never seen again.

Kiss of Rose Princess
(Bara jō no Kisu)
Genre Romantic comedy, Fantasy
Written by Aya Shouoto
Published by Kadokawa Shoten
Demographic Shōjo
Magazine Monthly Asuka
Original run June 24, 2008 – ongoing
Volumes 8
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Sunday, March 25, 2012

Shadow Star (Narutaru)

Shadow Star, known in Japan as Narutaru (なるたる Narutaru?), which comes from the abbreviation of "Mukuro Naru Hoshi, Tama Taru Ko" (骸なる星・珠たる子?), is the name of a Japanese manga and of the anime series which was based on the manga. The series was created by Mohiro Kitoh and was originally serialized in the magazine Afternoon. When asked about the manga, Mohiro Kitoh stated that he had about 80% of the entire story planned out from the beginning. When he was asked about the anime series, he stated he was grateful it was made. In the United States, it was licensed by Dark Horse and serialized in Super Manga Blast!
The 13-episode anime adaptation was broadcast in 2003 on the Japanese television station Kids Station. The anime was licensed by Central Park Media and released as Shadow Star Narutaru, and has played on Comcast's Anime Selects multiple times. In 2007 it ran on the Illusion on Demand television network. Central Park Media released the title under their "U.S. Manga Corps" line, on 4 DVDs, and later re-released the DVDs in a box set. Central Park Media filed for bankruptcy in 2009, and the DVDs have since been out of print.
The protagonist of the series is a twelve-year-old girl named Shiina Tamai. She bonds with a starfish-shaped "dragonchild" (baby "shadow dragon") whom she calls Hoshimaru. The series is mainly about the interaction between Shiina and other young people who have also bonded with dragons.
The manga, especially the original Japanese version, is known for the gruesome material that appears as the plot progesses. Despite the young main characters, cute monster designs, and initial appearances of a shōjo or Pokémon-esque series, the story quickly takes on a much darker and more disturbing tone, with later volumes involving some graphic depictions of gore and sexual violence. The English- and German-language versions of the manga have some edited scenes; entire pages of content were removed from the seventh volume of the English-language release.




Shadow Star Narutaru volume 1 English cover
Note: The titles of the individual volumes refer to the English translation, which gave names to the individual volumes.
  • 1: Starflight // Chapters 1-4 (Japanese 1-5)
  • 2: Darkness Visible // Chapters 5-10 (Japanese 6-13)
  • 3: Shadows Of The Past // Chapters 11-15 (Japanese 14-20)
  • 4: Nothing But The Truth // Chapters 16-20 (Japanese 21-23)
  • 5: A Flower's Fragrance // Chapters 21-23 (Japanese 24-28)
  • 6: What Can I Do For You Now? // Chapters 24-28 (Japanese 29)
  • 7: Victim's Eyes, Assailant's Hands // Chapter 29 (Japanese 30-38)
  • 8: Japanese 39-44
  • 9: Japanese 45-48
  • 10: Japanese 49 & 50
  • 11: Japanese 51-61
  • 12: Japanese 62-67
There are twelve volumes total in the Japanese releases, of which the seven listed have been translated to English. The English volumes end at different spots than the Japanese volumes. This was a result of Dark Horse's arrangement of the manga's chapters, which were spaced differently in the Japanese and English releases.
There have been no new announcements for future English releases. English volumes 8 and 9 (Japanese volumes 7 and 8) and part of English volume 10 (Japanese volume 9) have been translated in Super Manga Blast!, and starting with the magazine's 54th issue, the manga was translated in its original right-to-left reading format; this lasted until SMB was cancelled five issues later. These chapters have not been printed as stand-alone graphic novels as of yet, nor has Dark Horse announced any plans to further translate Shadow Star.


The anime adaptation consisted of 13 episodes, each running for 24 minutes, and adapted the storyline of the first 6 volumes (7 volumes of the American release) of the manga.


Reception of the anime

Tasha Robinson of the Sci Fi Channel described the series as "transformed" from "fascinatingly quirky" to "slow but expressive."

Shadow Star
Genre Supernatural, Horror, Drama
Written by Mohiro Kitoh
Published by Kodansha
English publisher Canada United States Dark Horse Comics
Demographic Seinen
Magazine Afternoon
English magazine United States Super Manga Blast
Original run July 21, 1998December 22, 2003
Volumes 12
TV anime
Directed by Toshiaki Iino
Licensed by Central Park Media
Network Kids Station
Original run July 7, 2003September 29, 2003
Episodes 13
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